Today’s Track: Bloc Party ‘Ares’

A very innovative band out of Britain, Bloc Party has well, been around the block…haha…for a few years.The new remix of the album Intimacy is in stores now.  Also, check out the website to post your own remixes of the album.

Today’s Track: Stars ‘My Favourite Book’

Another great band from Canada, Stars branched off of Broken Social Scene. ‘My Favourite Book’ is a song I like to play about my boyfriend. Gag, I know. 🙂 ♫

Her Space Holiday…RIYL Postal Service maybe? This guy has been around for about 10 years, but originally emerged in the Cali hardcore scene, which is extremely different from the music he makes today. It’s mellow, with twinges of electronic loveliness. This is an older song, but the band’s newest album is“Xoxo Panda and the New Kid Revival” and veers from their norm, following folk and jam roots.

The Ringing in My Ears ♫

Today’s Track: Bitter:Sweet ‘Trouble’

I’m in love with Bitter:Sweet! Their music is reminiscent of French pop and anything sexy and James Bond!  So happy I found this band from a friend on  ‘Trouble’ is off their recent release ‘Drama’.  The duo has also had music featured in the movie ‘Duplicity’ and the TV show Lipstick Jungle.  Truly exciting, refreshing talent! One member of the duo used to be with the awesome band ‘Supreme Beings of Leisure’ and the production is very reminiscent of that. Check out Trouble! ♫

Today’s Track: Beck ‘Leopard-Skin Pill-box Hat

Great remake of Bob Dylan’s original off the charity album War Child- “Heroes”War Child is a great non profit helping promote awareness and providing humanitarian aid to those children affected by wars all over the world.  Other artists featured on the CD include The Kooks, The Hold Steady, Lily Allen, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Duffy, Estelle, Rufus Wainwright, Scissor Sisters, Peaches, TV On The Radio and others.

Today’s Track: Ciara Ft. Justin Timberlake ‘Love Sex Magic’

Ok ok, I know this is pop gunk, but Timberlake really has done it again. This WILL be the hit of the summer. Ciara’s got talent, but Justin Timberlake really owns this song. Off Ciara’s new album ‘Fantasy Ride’

Today’s Track: Good Old War ‘Coney Island’

This is an up-and-coming band who had this song featured on MTV’s ‘The Hills’ last season.  This song is great for those who are going stir crazy in the city/place they are in, and want to leave, but know there are some good things about it, and that they really belong there.  ‘I’ll go crawling back to the city I love/cuz it’s already taken everything’  A melancholic tribute to home.

Today’s Track: Kings of Leon ‘Use Somebody’

Not a huge fan of this band’s latest release, but really enjoying this track.  More of a ballad for this usually sprung, blues-infused rock band.

They used to be a hell of a lot dirtier looking too.  Man I miss those ‘Molly’s Chambers’ days.

Today’s Track: The Airborne Toxic Event: ‘Sometime Around Midnight’

This is a band out of Los Angeles, Cali, and I ironically found them on a Canadian radio station.  This is a good song to start the week, for a nice mellow Monday!  The singer sounds a hell of a lot like Connor Oberst!

Today’s Track: Tokyo Police Club ‘Your English Is Good’

Great band out of Toronto. They really have nothing to do with Tokyo, or police, but this song is a great energetic welcome to Friday! Check out their full debut album ‘Elephant Shell’ out now. I like to think of them as a modern Rolling Stones….:)